So you want to be a writer: Do you have what it takes? First thing on the to-do list is to perform a few online grammar and editing tests. Let’s face it - if you score low, you have a lot of polishing up ahead of you (notice – I didn’t advise you to get a day job). I happen to be one of those encouraging souls (I loathe to squash a dream and believe in the human spirit), and believe passion stretches farther than natural talent. There’s a lot of wasted natural talent out there with really bad and self-destructive attitudes stamped all over their foreheads. The worst enemy is thy self.
Besides, how many best seller novelists were, at one time, advised to pack it all in and get a day job?
Next on your to-do-list is to experiment with a few behavioral assessments. Your behavioral pattern may have more to do with your success as a writer than your talent. Luckily, for employees with behavioral patterns antagonistic to self-directed work, your behavior isn’t engraved in stone as much as your biologically determined personality is.
You’re in the driver’s seat of your destiny - don’t let unconscious habits dictate your future.
Once you’ve assessed these tests, you’ll either decide you really don’t want to be a professional writer or that you have some brushing up to do. A smaller percentage of you will discover “I am ready to write.” People who feel they have obstacles usually find their obstacles are either themselves due to their habitual tendencies, or scripts people have told them about themselves. Once you’ve overcome these barriers you’ll be driving full speed ahead toward your dreams.
Professional Behavioral Assessment Profile
Diagnostic Grammar Online Test
Labels: behavioral patterns, tests